Friday, November 14, 2008

Okay Mom, Enough Pictures

This was taken at the end of our photo session. We were trying to get some pictures of Ty by himself and he was getting tired. He is 17 months old in this pic.

Family Pictures on the Charlotte Square

We had family pictures taken on the Charlotte Square.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The First Week Home

Okay, I know that these are old pics, but I have to start somewhere. I will get on top of things at some point. Anyway, this pic was taken when he was about two weeks old. You can still see the bruise on his hand where his IV was in the NICU.

Ty Turns One

Eating my Birthday cake. I was not sure what to do with it at first. Finally, I started digging in. It was a fun day.

At Mommy's Work

Having fun with Mommy!